It’s been said that the worst of times can bring out the best in people, and I’m sure you’ll agree that the school foodservice community has risen to the occasion by finding creative and innovative ways to feed children during this pandemic. Every day we are reading about ways school districts have gone above and beyond to get meals to kids, even when they are at home for remote learning. At E S Foods, we have been fortunate to do our small part in this effort by providing shelf-stable, grab & go meals

Now more than ever there is a critical need to provide afterschool suppers to children. With the pandemic resulting in remote learning or reduced in-person instruction, many kids aren’t accessing their regular free school meals. Add to that the other restrictions stemming from the pandemic, such as families not being able to work and pay bills, the Afterschool Meal Program can be a much-needed respite for families. Did you know that by adding suppers/super snacks to your program you can help countless families and increase your reimbursement dollars by as much as 58%?

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