We all have to do what we can – program by program – to increase summer participation levels. Here’s a great case in point that was passed on to us by one of our Breakfast BREAKS customers.
We all have to do what we can – program by program – to increase summer participation levels. Here’s a great case in point that was passed on to us by one of our Breakfast BREAKS customers.
What’s the reason Charles County Public School in Maryland increased from serving 3,500 breakfasts per day to nearly 6,000 per day in one year? William Kreuter, Supervisor of Food Services for the county says the answer is obvious: Classroom Breakfast.
Our own Breakfast Breaks is in the spotlight in the article “If You Bag It, They Will Eat” in the April issue of Food Engineering magazine and online. E S Foods CEO Gary Davis was interviewed for the story.
As reported in recent blog posts, the got breakfast? Foundation completed its 2012 survey of food service directors to assess current trends in School Breakfast Programs. Among the key findings: Breakfast sites have expanded beyond the cafeteria to alternate sites.