Recent news stories about school districts that participate in the Summer Meal Programs shows creative ways to feed more children — from using food trucks to delivering meals to parks.
Recent news stories about school districts that participate in the Summer Meal Programs shows creative ways to feed more children — from using food trucks to delivering meals to parks.
I would like to use this space to thank the Milwaukee Public Schools for giving us the opportunity to conduct a photo shoot this week at one of its elementary schools.
In a recent op-ed column in The Philadelphia Tribune, Children’s Defense Fund president Marian Wright Edelman wrote that the participation gap between the National School Lunch Program and the Summer Food Service Program means that nine out of ten children receiving lunch “may not be receiving the nourishment necessary for proper physical, cognitive, and social development during the long summer months.”
After teaming up with us to promote School Breakfast in the fall, the Dallas Mavericks partnered with us again recently to promote the expansion of the After School Meal Program for Dallas ISD.