The newest addition to our Breakfast BREAKS line – Protein Breakfast BREAKS – will be unveiled at the School Nutrition Association’s ANC, July 10-13. These new meals are refrigerated, featuring yogurt and cheese portions.
The newest addition to our Breakfast BREAKS line – Protein Breakfast BREAKS – will be unveiled at the School Nutrition Association’s ANC, July 10-13. These new meals are refrigerated, featuring yogurt and cheese portions.
By feeding 1,000 kids breakfast each day, your school would receive over $289,000 in federal funding. Learn how >
Last week the 2011 analysis of Summer Nutrition Programs, “Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation,” was released by the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC), documenting the continuing downward trend in participation. Since July 2008, total participation nationwide in the Summer Nutrition Programs has dropped by 90,000 children.
School’s out for summer! When that last day of school finally arrives, most kids are excited about the start of summer vacation. But, this also means millions more low income children will face their days hungry.