Afterschool Meals the Focus of Our CACFP Webinar
November 25, 2020

We were pleased that there was so much interest in our Afterschool Meals CACFP (Children and Adult Care Food Programs) Webinar held last week. Food service directors from across the country tuned in to hear tips on how to implement a successful Afterschool Meal program. I especially want to thank our featured speakers: Alexandra Molina, M.S., Director, McAllen ISD in Texas, and Sandra Kemp, Executive Director of Food and Nutrition at Albuquerque Public Schools in New Mexico. They each shared their experience with CACFP and offered many practical tips, such as partnering with local Boys & Girls Clubs and Parks & Rec organizations.

New waivers for CACFP reduce some of the obstacles from the past, making it easier to implement. For example, you are now allowed to provide up to 7 meals at one pick-up. Did you know that by adding Suppers/Super Snacks to your program can increase your reimbursement dollars by as much as 58%? Take a look at our Afterschool page for the simple math showing how $3.755 per meal reimbursement could translate into one million dollars of additional funding per 1000 students served!

Alexandra Molina shared her district’s experience in McAllen, Texas, with feeding families 7 days per week which they have been doing for the past 9 months since the beginning of the pandemic. They have 47 curbside and grab & go locations. This month they added the Supper/Super Snack to provide 3 meals per day. The Super Snack provides needed supplemental nutrition when students need it afterschool well before their evening meal with the family. The same is true in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where Sandra Kemp says they have dubbed the  Super Snack meal “Energy Boosters” since kids have such early breakfast and lunch times, they really need that boost during the afterschool window.

In the webinar we also discussed the easy steps to become a sponsor through CACFP. IF you missed the webinar, please contact us and we’d be happy to help you add suppers/super snacks to your meal program.