Summer Benefits
Does your district participate in the Summer Food Service Program? If not, E S Foods can help you get started as we have extensive experience in summer meal programs. We suggest you keep summer simple by using prepackaged meals. You can convert your Seamless Summer Option (SSO under NSLP) to the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) to lower meal costs, have easier menu compliance and higher reimbursements. By offering a breakfast and lunch programs instead of a lunch and snack, you can generate the highest revenue. We have a tremendous level of experience with USDA reimbursement programs—let us help you succeed in yours.
Keep Summer Simple!
After deciding to feed children in summer or afterschool programs, a big question to solve is how to do the food. How do you make sure your food will meet requirements? How do you simplify service so that meals qualify for reimbursement?
E S Foods can supply complete, nutritious meals, approved by the state, to ensure your reimbursements are secure. We can help develop a cycle menu to submit to the state, to allow you to focus on site selection, and training. We can supply food items well below reimbursements to ensure you operate a self-sufficient program. And we can help you accommodate count fluctuations to have a smoothly run program.
Product Options
Choose from shelf stable or frozen items for breakfast, lunch or snacks.